Monday, November 02, 2009

Glenn Beck ain't so bad

A few months ago we all get very excited when Charlie Brooker used his programme Newswipe to bring to our attention Fox News' Glenn Beck and his foaming-at-the-mouth ways. Prior to that I had been aware of Bill O'Reilly but Brooker opened the door to a rich and varied world of right-wing, polemical, broadcast-maniacism. Here's a video of it - the Beck bit starts at 3.25:

Since then I've come across Beck on YouTube a few times and often he did seem every bit as nutty as he was on Newswipe. But (this is my big scoop, by the way) I think that Brooker (very slightly) misrepresented him. Beck has a sense of humour. In July, the Emmy award-winning, former Saturday Night Live writer and performer Al Franken became a senator - here is Beck's reaction:

"You don't want me as a senator!" Check it out! He knows what he is, he knows he's a crazed, current affairs jester.

Here he is talking to Telegraph blogger and libertarian conservative journalist James Delingpole (skip to 1.19):

Look at those two carrying on; having a rare time, so they are. I think it might be fair to say that each take neither themselves nor each other very seriously, or, at least, they don't take themselves seriously all the time. Comedy was captured by the left in the eighties; to go on telly and display humour even in the merest way must be very gratifying for someone on the right.

Beck is not a comedian but there is a undercurrent to his show and his presentation style that is knowingly frivolous. I doubt that he would be at all surprised at what your average European leftie would make of him.

Don't get me wrong – how dare you even think of getting me wrong! - he is reasonably crazy and doubtless he'll poison a few minds but really he is a distraction. Probably, we should be more concerned about the fact that Rupert Murdoch, by dint of having money, has been able to pollute much of the world's media with his Palpatinite agenda.


Bonus features

Here is a video of Al Franken (the senator/comedian I mentioned earlier) talking universal healthcare or, as Rich Fulcher put it, "This is Al Franken doing what a Senator should do: kick raw ass and take raw names!"

And because the Fouls Tribune is Fair and Balanced why not read Christopher Hitchens being critical of him, in an article I haven't fully read, here.


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