Sunday, March 29, 2009

First Teenage Dirtbag in the Whitehouse

You're probably better off watching the video before reading this – but, you know, do what you want. This video started off as an innocent little idea of mine on election night. Now, months later, it has metamorphosed into a whole Sunday afternoon's worth of ball ache. Converting the video into something that iMovie would go anywhere near took up most of the time. During its long journey the original speech video (all 30 minutes of it) was at various times an .flv file, an .avi file, a corrupt .mov file, an .m4v file, an .mp4 file and then finally a working .mov file. The sides are chopped off and the quality is awful but I don't care anymore. Also (to continue this little paragraph of geeky complaining), getting the audio to sound stadiumy was not straightforward. GarageBand has a reverb option but this and all the other effects seem to do pretty much nothing at all. Some tugging at a graphic equaliser at least let me put the bass up good and high and this sort of achieved what I wanted.

The video converting thing that worked in the end was called ffmpegx By The Way.



Oliver said...

Have you seen this Obama rehash?

fouls said...

Yes. I was actually thinking of posting this as a video response to that. I thought I'd see what other people thought of it first; I got so pissed off trying to make it that I went quite far past the point where I could tell if it was funny.

Good to hear from you. What's the name of your internet doings again? I'll catch up on that and then we can chat. Ya.

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