Thursday, November 15, 2007

Young People Are Pointless

A few weeks back I was at a party of a school friend in the town where he goes to university. The party lasted into the small hours and towards the end my friend - having decided the oppurtunity for romantic conquest had passed - sat me down to have a talk. After a brief preamble about how the booze seemed to have dried up, he returned to one of his favourite subjects: the importance of enjoying yourself while you're young given the Unrelenting Drabness of Working Life. He said this pointedly because it is his opinion that I spend too much time cooking food and reading newspaper weekend supplements; activities that it would be better to save for middle age or later. I would like to take issue with the assumption that being young is any good. In fact, it is my contention that there are plenty of reasons for thinking that being young is completely awful.

I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people would disagree with me on this and you can see why. Consider, for example: staying up until sunrise at a beach party vs. getting up before its light for work; a thrilling sense of vitality and possiblility vs. a growing awareness of your own mortality; going out six nights in a row vs. six visits to the toilet in one night; a spur of the moment road trip to Morocco vs. having unexpectedly to drive out to Stenhousemuir at 9.30 on a Thursday evening; living in a flat full of hilarious mates vs. dying in a care home. The case appears to be open and shut. But I don't think so. All of the things commonly taken to make life fulfilling are generally absent from youngs lives. Fewer of us are in meaningful and loving relationships, fewer of us are raising children and almost none of us having the satisfaction of knowing we are doing useful work and that we are part of a community. Instead, we lead empty, pointless lives. For those of us without religion or a significant other we face the universe from a position of existential purity; just a person, pissing into the unforgiving void.

Another problem is that as a young person you have to hang around with other young people who are, with few exceptions, vapid idiots. Young people have not done as many things as older people so they do not have as much to say; they resort, instead, to saying things like, "I want to watch Neighbours," and, "when does the new Artic Monkeys album come out?" The intellectual zenith of most young people's lives is having said "belated birthday". Young people don't know anything: I'm young and I certainly don't. I met a young person the other day who didn't know what a brillo pad was. In comparison, older people know how to do things like building bridges, conducting public spending reviews and putting up shelves. Nor are young people funny. The comedian, Russell Howard, of BBC2's superfluous, scripted, improvisation show Mock the Week is known for being very young and he is one of the least funny men in living memory.

In short, young people spend there time wondering if its already too late to get involved in the man cardigan craze and their more mature counterparts are of worth to society. Young people are insipid twats and there is, at least, a chance that an older person might have something to say. Shakespeare may have agreed with me: in "A Winter's Tale" an old shepherd says,

"I would there were no age between ten and three and
twenty, or that youth would sleep out the rest; for there is
nothing in the between but getting wenches with child, wronging
the ancientry, stealing, fighting-"

So there you go. Sorry about the pretentious ending...


Oliver said...

Fouls - "Young people don't know anything: I'm young and I certainly don't."

Richard Feynman - "If you think you understand quantum theory you don't understand quantum theory"

Socrates - "One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing."

On average everyone knows nothing just as on average a vacuum is empty. We can't ever hope to know anything more than an 'average of nothing' compared to the amount of information that exists. The painful truth in this fact is that the more threads of knowledge you become aware of; the more minutely you understand how far they run and in fact that they may be extending faster than we can follow them. The universe is expanding.
The world is filled with millions of people standing on the shoulders of 1000s of giants. All you can do is pick which giants you want to stand on.

If you are an existentialist you are only pissing into the void if you choose to see it that way. It's only in relation to the concept of absolute/universal meaning that the more relative meaning (specific to the individual but derived form soceity) that derives from existentialism is seen to be meaningless.
I'm sure you know plenty about this and I may be rambling inanely. The point is without absolute meaning young people can't be meaningless /pointless however it does mean that they haven't considered the responsibility inferred by the absence of absolute meaning. Perhaps we are entering a decadent period of irresponsibility where belief in absolute meaning disappears and acceptance of the responsibility of an existentialist
world is yet to take gain favour.
In my opinion people who say life is best when you're young haven't embraced responsibility and are living in spite of it in their old age and dreaming of the time when they had not know of its existence.
I've rambled again.
Don't be young:
Don't be afraid to know the difference between blended and single malt whisky.
Knowledge and experience are best when enjoyed evenly.

fouls said...

I think I was using the term 'existentialist' lazily there. What I really meant is that it is a simple or empty or pure kind of existence.

Anonymous said...

Fouls - you are an absolute genius!

We must muse over the finer points on this Monday next - come to the tutorial - or I will have to dine in the Gemini on my bill again and destroy your other speaker or have you shot, one or the other.... ;D

Chris x

(I don't know why I feel compelled to use x or xox at the end of messages. Everyone else does it.... oh my God I'm dangerously near turning into one of The Them. Next thing I know I will be complaining about missing Friday mornings because I bought a pitcher at Queen of Hearts...)

Facebook us your mobile number we should have a cultured outing this weekend.

Sarah said...

hear fucking hear

fouls said...

Thank you, Sarah.

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